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+91-8007003066 sales@credenceinfo.in


Pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals in the form of powders and granules are very hygroscopic in nature. While production of such capsules and tablets, moisture present in the air and excess humidity result in agglomeration, uneven distribution of ingredients, bacterial contamination which leads to inefficiency and downtime.

Problems Faced

  • Agglomeration
  • Raw Material Deterioration
  • Bacterial Contamination
  • Compliance Compromised
  • Incorrect Lab Results


  • Pilot Plants
  • Powder Storage
  • Product Mixing
  • Product Drying
  • Tablet Compression
  • Sugar Coating
  • Film Coating
  • Packing Material Storage
  • Storage of Intermediate / Finished Products
  • Capsule Filling
  • Formulation Labs


Humidity is one of the factors that contribute to safe and sterile environment in healthcare facilities.

Problems Faced

  • Damage to Lenses in Lasik Equipments
  • Condensation in Imaging Areas
  • X-Ray Film Damage
  • Incorrect Diagnostics


  • CT Scan
  • PET-CT
  • Cath Labs
  • MRI
  • Mammography
  • Eye Operation Theatres
  • Lasik
  • Radiation / Oncology
  • Linear Accelerator Room
  • X-Ray

Food Industry

Excess humidity causes bacterial growth, condensation on cold products, damaging packaging and spoiling the product resulting in poor consumer experience. Refrigerant dehumidifiers are the most efficacious and cost-effective way to reduce levels of moisture in the air and maintain desired humidity level to optimize the quality of food products.

Problems Faced

  • Bacterial Contamination
  • Bad Odour
  • Lumping of Hygroscopic Powders
  • Blooming of Chocolates
  • Change in Food Characteristics like Colour, Crispiness and Taste


  • Production and Processing Areas
  • Food Storage and Packing Areas
  • Food Testing Laboratories

R & D

Problems Faced

  • Inconsistent Testing Results
  • Inaccurate Laser Studies
  • Condensation Inside Equipments


  • Optical Equipments
  • Product Testing Lab
  • Pharma Pilot Scale
  • Laser Equipments
  • Nuclear Research
  • Radio Transmission
  • Equipment

Printing Industry

Humidity plays a crucial role in the printing process, whether its textile printing, currency or any other secure press printing. There are standard temperature and humidity requirements that are to be met during printing and drying process to ensure product quality and safety of the expensive printing heads.

Problems Faced

  • Drying Time
  • Condensation on CTP Plates
  • Inconsistent Printing of Currency / Cheque /Securities
  • Digital Printing (Textile, Banners, Flex)
  • Printing Head Failure
  • Electronic Failures


  • (CTP) Storage
  • Security Press Labs
  • Bill Printing, Currency Printing
  • Digital Printing (Banners, Flex, Textile)
  • Laminate Printing
  • CFB Box Printing


Humidity causes various a range of problems in storage areas such as damage to a vast range of structures, equipment, accessories, stocks and yes to the material stored in such warehouses.

Problems Faced

  • Stored Material Damage
  • Structural Damage to Packaging Material
  • Difficulty in Product Seperation


  • Antiroom
  • Storage of :Electronic, Media, Currency, Musical Instruments, Material

Art Galleries

Excess humidity in art galleries and museums cause damage to artifacts - paper based (books), canvas based (paintings) and leather based (clothing). It leads to condensation which causes corrosion, black spots or a yellowish tinge, discoloration and dullness which degrades the art value.

Problems Faced

  • Discoloration and Spots on Paintings
  • Discoloration of Artifacts
  • Loss of Surface Material
  • Fading of Dyes
  • Disintegration and Yellowing of Paper
  • Mold and Bacteria Growth


  • Museums
  • Archives
  • Art Galleries
  • Secured Art Storage


Humidity impacts guest experience in hotels in the form of musty smelling rooms and air feeling heavy to breathe easily. Humidity also discolors walls, dulls furniture, breaks down electronics adding to maintenance woes.

Problems Faced

  • Sweating of Walls
  • Black Spots
  • Musty Odour
  • Electronic Failures
  • Dulling of Furniture Polish and Paints
  • High Energy Cost


  • Guest Rooms
  • Banquets
  • Restaurants
  • Spas
  • Gymnasium
  • Food storage
  • Linen Storage
  • Indoor Swimming Pool


Humidity impacts guest experience in hotels in the form of musty smelling rooms and air feeling heavy to breathe easily. Humidity also discolors walls, dulls furniture, breaks down electronics adding to maintenance woes.

Problems Faced

  • Condensation on Walls and Ceilings
  • Musty Smell in Books and Collectibles
  • Molds on Upholstery,Wallpaper, Ceilings and Carpets
  • Damaged Musical Equipments
  • Warped Wooden Floorings
  • Peeling of Walls and Ceilings
  • Wardrobe Molds and Musty Odour
  • Malfunctioning of Electronic Equipments


  • Bathroom
  • Storeroom
  • Laundry Area
  • Basement
  • Study Room
  • Wardrobe
  • Garage
  • Living Room
  • Coastal Properties